Friday, October 4, 2013

Busy Bre!!

Ok so recently I got laid off from my "wonderful" job! I'm not happy but honestly I wasn't all that upset either. I keep telling people that I really feel this was a sign and God is working on me.
Since Monday I have been trying to keep myself as busy as possible. I have been doing some much needed house cleaning, hanging out with my two little boys, and of course paying bills and dealing with the separation paperwork from my old job. And on top of it all I have been finally going to the GYM!!!! My brother-in-law is here so I have a workout buddy! Having a buddy definitely motivates you to actually get up and go. This week coming up I will start a certification course for Project Management, hopefully it lands me a job.
Today and possibly this weekend I will be working on cleaning my office space....Yikes! I cant believe I even let a space in my house get this out of hand. I really have to do some serious work. Here is a quick pic.......Don't Judge Me!!!
It seems like it had become my "throw it in that room" type of room. I will have a new looking room by Monday! I plan on working on all of my business and networking ventures too. Just trying keep busy!