Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Being Aware Saves Lives

8 Facts About Mesothelioma
I was recently emailed by the Community Outreach Director of the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. She informed me that tomorrow is Mesothelioma Awareness Day, September 26. Like many of us we have been effected by some type of cancer, whether it was ourselves, a family member, or a friend. Many people don't know that US veterans, military members, and shipyard workers are most at risk for developing Mesothelioma. Because my husband is active duty, I have many military members in my family and shipyard workers as well this of course has me concerned so I wanted to also inform my military community. Saving lives truly starts by educating people to be aware.
The link below gives a few things you should know about this disease. If you don't know anyone that can benefit from this but you want to help, there is a link at the bottom of the article to help this campaign. Here is the link:
Please pass this on to people you know. No disease should go unaware!

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