Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What I Want Wednesday

Its that time again!!!! What I want Wednesdays!!!! I love fashion, I really have a passion for it but that's not all you will get from this blog. As a mom have you ever been thinking you have no space for you or your thoughts? Recently I have been trying to fix up my home office. I am trying to make a space of my own in my house. My husband has his man cave and of course my boys have a play room.
This area I feel will allow me to reach a lot of my new found goals. Yes I have big goals!!!! I want to have a space for hobbies and possibly starting a business within the near future. I am a stay at home mom and wife that also has a full time job at home. I brought a book off of Amazon recently and I feel that every stay at home mom should read it. It is an awesome book.......REALLY AWESOME!!!! I have started to write down short term goals for me that would be 6 months or less and long term goals meaning a year plus. My goals range from exercising to paying off debt to getting a higher paying job.
Below is the awesome book I got from Amazon for $7 including shipping. Its used but looks to be almost new condition. Oh yeah did I mention that this book retails for $17.....OH YEAH $10 savings.....go me! I honestly believe every mom can relate to something in this book.
Here is my office for now. I am working towards a new desk, chair, and sewing/working table. All the other decorations will come after. What do you think about my space?
I have a few ideas of places to get more supplies to put in my office. Refinery 29 has a great post about office space and very cost efficient. Check it out!
Go check out this chic office too!

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